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Totally agree. I decided they were a good option as they sort out everything there end for a small fee. All i did was negotiate a price and then pay. Then followed the long wait till it arrived at my chosen dock. I didnt even have to get a clearing agent appointed even though i think that was more an automatic thing than something bhcc did. The other thing is at least you know it will arrive. Going through a private seller, they could easily take your money and run and then theres no come back. Definitely a risk there unless you actually fly over.

As i said, i feel that cos they sat with this particular car for so long (6 or 7 months iirc) it looked like it would never sell, so they start taking parts off of it to put on better cars to make them better and get a higher asking price. He doesnt state whether he actually looked the car over while he was there though which would be a little strange. Im sure most of us would want to look over what we paid while we were there and not wait till it was delivered to the shop you rented.

Either way, hope he sorts something out that hes happy with. My experience with them was a good one and im more than happy with the car i got from them
Yes I read all that myself and responded via Facebook..... It's all very odd even to the point some of the parts 'removed' had been cut and or damaged so were of no use to anyone. All a very odd situation, as I wrote everyone I have ever helped buy through them have had a good/reasonable experience with them.
I couldn't find your comment Chris, but some of the ones I did read, remind me why I dropped out of FACEBOOK a couple of years ago.

 What I load of Wallies,  heaping insults on each other and EFFing and Blinding all over the thanks. Angry

Lets hope the DOC group never goes down that route! Angel......or I shall have to resort to snail-mail again...just like it was when the DOC UK first started.
It was posted in a few groups and i linked to a public group in case anyone here wasnt on facebook so they could see the thread. Chris commented on a different thread to the one linked
I'm not blaming you DeLoryan.....just an observation about what you see on all too many groups and forums.
Oh i get that. I was just explaining why you wouldnt have seen chris' post in that thread.

Yeah, the fanatics group isnt exactly a happy place as it were. Tbh most of facebook is a mess really
(23 Jun 2019, 14:56)DMC1983 Wrote: [ -> ]Oh i get that. I was just explaining why you wouldnt have seen chris' post in that thread.

Yeah, the fanatics group isnt exactly a happy place as it were. Tbh most of facebook is a mess really

I agree Facebook is a mess, full of racist posts and political madness.
Reasonable looking early car that looks like it's had good money spent in the engine bay, it's let down by the chassis so an ideal project to do lots of welding or a frame off for $26,500:
Was just about to post that. Wonder if its a runner or not? LCAs could also do with looking at closer. Still looks like a good project car.

If anyone would like help dealing with bhcc, let me know as i recently imported my car from them. Its very simple and straight forward. Im also going to be writing up my experience soon for the club mag too.
By the time you get it back to the UK, I  recon it will end up about the same price as the Auction one in Buxton......and you go and look at that one!......and you dont have to wait...
Nice to see a little more than usual in the description
Well i've seen better......and I would have wanted a better job than that for a $50k rebuild. Just my opinion.
Another one listed for $26500. Red painted car, manual grey interior. Some signs of rust around the fuel tank cover plate otherwise a pretty good example
Looks a very nice car to me.....I'd buy it....if I was looking for one. Shy
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