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I'd recommend Adrian Flux ( for cheap insurance on a DeLorean.
I just spoke with Sureterm who offered me a 'great deal' (?) of £750 fully comprehensive.
Adrian Flux just quoted me £209 all in - a massive saving, and the quotes are like for like.
This was against Pilot 20 - with a pretty high value attached. Probably helps that I don't intend to drive it very much.
Certainly worth a call - the last DeLorean I insured with these guys was around the same price - so they're pretty consistent.
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im with then and the bttf car is only £209.99 errr dont know what happend there matey but the operator must have pressed the wroung button you need to speak to neil the the manager who will sort a very good deal out for all delorean owners
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Insurance on Pilot 20 has been pretty tricky - as the build year is 1980 - and most of the computer systems only list 81,2 and 3 as options.
£209 for a year isn't bad - in fact it's pretty good considering how much it costs to get these things repaired if they get a whack!
Thanks for the Sureterm name Glen - I just went through the switchboard and got a default operator.
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Any chance you know the surname of this 'Neil' please matey.
Would like to think I can get a better deal than the £252.00p (£25 policy issue fee/ £45 breakdown cover) they are quoting me for renewal.
What do you think guy's have I got a decent deal there anyway?
Best regards
Carl & Alex Hammond
VIN#11777 (don't ask!!)

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Please remember this is the company that we have set up a discounted scheme with as this posting;
Please remember to tell them your a DOC club member to get a discount and there is also a freephone number (in the posting) to save on the old phone bill :wink:
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Also Adrian Flux make a donation to Club funds for every policy they do for a DeLorean to a DOC Club member
And yes, we have had some donations from them this year
Claire Wright - Club Treasurer
Jul 1981 DeLorean - Flopsy #2292
Aug 1989 Cavalier 1.6L - Guinney
Apr 2021 Mokka-e Launch Edition - Evie
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£507, yowsers
DOC 527
Vin #10264
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MikeH Wrote:£507, yowsers
Let us know how you get on with other quotes - I'd expect you to be able to do significantly better than that. (Richard Hoskins, Hagerty's and Bishop Calway my top tips). Good luck!
VIN 7176
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been trying those, The problem is they wont insure me because i dont have a daily driver... Yes i cycle to work so i cant have a classic car?
Still working on trying to better it but this is for a 25yr old, 6years ncb, 5000 limited miles and agreed value of £20,000
DOC 527
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MikeH Wrote:been trying those, The problem is they wont insure me because i dont have a daily driver... Yes i cycle to work so i cant have a classic car?
Still working on trying to better it but this is for a 25yr old, 6years ncb, 5000 limited miles and agreed value of £20,000
Ah, yes, the absence of daily driver will stitch you up on classic policies. My best quote was stymied because my named driver (girlfriend) didn't have a daily driver. We needed to have one each!
VIN 7176
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I insured my DeLorean fully comp as my main driver for just £30 odd more than the classic policy. Unlimited mileage and business use too although last year I only did 100 miles for business. Like Mike I mostly cycle to work so in reality it isn't used much Mon-Fri....
Chris Hawes
DOC 138
Ex owner of VIN 5255 Grey, 5-speed
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I'm with adrian flux and they didn't ask if its my main car or not, they did ask If I have access to other vehicles though but didn't want proof. I got mine down a bit by added my parents as named drivers because they are ancient they think they must be safe drivers, they have never driven it though :wink:
I renewed my policy in January, I hope they made the donation to the club....?
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Can't understand that Mike.....
When I first insured my D with AON, I only had a company car, which didn't need to be declared to them.
Weather I had a daily driver was irrelavent.
My premium is £265 per year, unlimited miles, full breakdown cover for any car, ( £196 without this!) Agreed value of 19K, european cover, windscreen cover etc.
I seriously advise you to shop round, as my first quotes were silly.
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TheOriginalMrP Wrote:Can't understand that Mike.....
When I first insured my D with AON, I only had a company car, which didn't need to be declared to them.
Weather I had a daily driver was irrelavent.
My premium is £265 per year, unlimited miles, full breakdown cover for any car, ( £196 without this!) Agreed value of 19K, european cover, windscreen cover etc.
I seriously advise you to shop round, as my first quotes were silly.
Yes, the phrase is
'do you have access to another car' if you're a named driver on another car
(your parents perhaps?) then that will bring your premium down considerably even if you never drive
their car.
Having said that with a good screwdriver and a little electrical knowledge you could probably have access to
100's of cars, but I don't think that's what they're looking for ;-)