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Project Cars @ BHCC
Hi steve, sorry i was going to send a link to a craigslist project Delorean but I just looked and it has been deleted by the seller. Mabe BHCC have pounced on that one too! If I hear of a project I'll let you know.
Still getting 'Steve's inbox Quota has been reached'
Cheers Stu
DOC 116
VIN 6237
(11 Mar 2017, 15:02)Hi thank you..will delete a lot more.Yes looking forward to being a d owner again and really enjoy working on much was the craigs list car?My old car vin 1621 i restored from a poor condition non runner...absolute magic when i got it to start after 15 years plus non running.I dont mind in bad condition as even what looks like a good D often still needs most things rebuilding.Ideally i could do with one with a reasonable frame as i would do a frame off but a bit short on room.Hope Bcc do not keep buying up all project D\s.If only we could pay 2.5k dollars which they paid for these 2.Thank you again. Somewhere there is a search engine for the whole of craigs list...cant remember where.Steve Stuart Rees Wrote: Hi steve, sorry i was going to send a link to a craigslist project Delorean but I just looked and it has been deleted by the seller. Mabe BHCC have pounced on that one too! If I hear of a project I'll let you know.
Still getting 'Steve's inbox Quota has been reached'
Cheers Stu
Steve Saunders
ex owner vin 1621
doc 370
They were asking $4800 fire damage, Austin TX. Which would be £4K + p&p. A risk worth taking for that money... if the seller would deal outside of the US. Getting to the source is key and BHCC take the price to the max IMO but they seem to sell anyway...
DOC 116
VIN 6237
Is it me being silly or does craigslist not have a national search section for the whole of the US as I can only seem to search from state to state.
Martyn Reed
EX Vin# 6064
New one, I had high hopes for this as it was clearly a 'hot state' car due to the baked interior. It's clearly had some work done in the past looking at the conversion on the A/C to R134 the chassis looked great as well until you come across where the brake master cylinder has leaked Dodgy  @ $15,750 still a worthwhile project if a bit overpriced.
Membership Secretary DOC UK
2021's DeLorean event:
VIN#15768 Ex VIN#4584
Have you noticed the torsion bar on the back on this last one ?
[Image: 7092_p56_l.jpg]
Another one, didn't think it was to bad but the 'flaking' epoxy on the frame will need attention, may be worth checking out the engine cradle for more pictures as well:  $24,750
Membership Secretary DOC UK
2021's DeLorean event:
VIN#15768 Ex VIN#4584
For that money I'd not be looking at a frame-off job, whjch this very much looks like it is.
Member 101
VIN# 4566
Former Vins# 5641 (Maddie) and 5284 (Hana)

I bought a Delorean in January - in the UK - frame is great - but needs work in other areas. I've just sent off my first shopping list of essential parts - close on 2K ... but it'll be a good car I'm sure for about 23k all in.

Due to the bad dollar pound exchange rate, and the rise in prices of Delorean thanks in some part to the plethora of TV progs and the BTTF anni recently, my impression is that the "cheap" delorean is no more?

Pity we can't get some of the basket cases over here - just for spares - but not the demand I guess?
Vin 11789 (probably #50 of the Middle East batch of 50)
Quote:Due to the bad dollar pound exchange rate, and the rise in prices of Delorean thanks in some part to the plethora of TV progs and the BTTF anni recently, my impression is that the "cheap" delorean is no more?
I think your 100% correct. Soooo many DeLoreans came back over the last two years and have pretty much flooded the market at the moment. Very few cheap DeLoreans come up for sale even in the US now and most of those are sold from BHCC. That and with the £-$ rate as it is I cant see many coming back now for a while.
Membership Secretary DOC UK
2021's DeLorean event:
VIN#15768 Ex VIN#4584

Shockingly in reasonable condition (for BHCC), with turbo and cruise control, but has had its radiator knocked slightly
vin 2743

Shockingly in reasonable condition (for BHCC), with turbo and cruise control, but has had its radiator knocked slightly
Not bad at all, wonder how well it runs.
Membership Secretary DOC UK
2021's DeLorean event:
VIN#15768 Ex VIN#4584
Not a fan of turbo charging these engines myself, but if its currently running OK, it could easily be removed..If it were a manual I'd be tempted.

(Did a 300 mile round trip in Delores yesterday, Buckingham and back.....went like the wind and never missed a beat. Ive got to clean off all the dead insects this morning!)
Chris Parnham

Ex RHD Auto's etc.etc

Main Car.. Kia E Niro 4+
Skoda Yetil 4X4.
1970 Jago Jeep.

DOC Club Historian 
One of the better looking project cars, if you excuse the body kit. Looks lie the frame needs a new front frame extention but these are now available:
Membership Secretary DOC UK
2021's DeLorean event:
VIN#15768 Ex VIN#4584
One of the best cars I have seen from BHCC for a long time @ $34,750
Membership Secretary DOC UK
2021's DeLorean event:
VIN#15768 Ex VIN#4584

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