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Neon Neon - a Band
Hey hey,

Just had a guy round taking a load of pictures of my interior for a band called Neon Neon. They've already released a picture disk made up of photos of one of Dave Howarth's alloys and a collage of graphic art of the otherside. Looks really good, I thik I get a free copy of the next one which should have either steering wheel of consol area on it.

The reason behind it is that the band say 'We sound like a DeLorean' not so sure about that but still, more publicity I guess.

Have a butchers...

These guys (I think) are on Lex Records - - the same people that had a 5th Birthday party in Soho last November. Tony, Martin and co were invited to park their D's outside of the venue - Club 24, Soho, London. Something to do with their new album which was fittingly called DeLorean - songs were based on John De Lorean's life.

If any of you want to see the video I made from this its located at
Kind Regards,
Jonny Jones
DOC #530
#3 ... ght=record

Small world ....
hehe, yeah, theres a few links to reports about it all being about john delorean on their myspace page. Cant wait to see my car on a picturedisk Smile The photographers coming back on tuesday with a model Shock god knows what hes planning on but gonna have to get my consent first me thinks.
Hi, was talking to Dave about the photos, and the Model, all seemed a bit odd, but all publicity is good.
Liked the pics you posted of your car scott, i came by your house with Dave one sunday when he was dropping some spares off, but you were not in. i am in Blackburn, and looking to get my car out next spring with a bit of luck. will have to meet up somewhere with the deloreans, could even converge at Daves house, if he does not mind,
Regards Nick.
[quote="Jonny Jones"]These guys (I think) are on Lex Records - - the same people that had a 5th Birthday party in Soho last November.

yes i remember that one, not what we thought Cry TT
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