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Bored?........Test my site
If anyone out there is bored surfing the web.....

Before I make my (completely non-DeLorean related) website live I'd like as many people to have a play with it as possible and see what they think of it and whether it works properly.

Just go to

If you get a white background you're in the right place, if it's green then you are at my current (real!) site.

You have to imagine your an electronics nerd buying lots of widgets to make your latest time machine. Big Grin You don't need to put in real personal details and you can put in comments if something looks naff or isn't very clear. Then go as far as the bit where you enter you credit card details - but obviously you just abort at that point!

It'll help me out 'cause I'll get lots of fake orders (I'll know they're fake by where they came from) and I can check everything is working properly Big Grin

NB. The links at the top of the page don't all work, and I know there's a missing image in the top right hand corner.

Richard H. DOC 365 VIN 1274
In theory, theory and practice are the same. In practice, they are not.
Very nice job matey. :wink:
Paul Birks - DOC5 - Worksop
Banner at the very top doesn't load. White backgrounds make my eyes bleed but they're all the rage these days it seems. Other than that very nice!

Edit: it would be handy if it told you what the standard shipping charge actually was on the delivery options page.
Rob Williams
DOC 475
VIN 17152
yea same here rich the banner don,t load at the top but that might be my bloody vista computer :lol:
Don't be daft.
Rob Williams
DOC 475
VIN 17152

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