Thought I'd do a post-NEC write-up, such an amazing weekend once again.
after my last post, a few things happened:
I spent some time working on my sticky throttle with Rich Hutchinson which we worked out to be my plates weren't getting fully closed so after making the cable tighter and adjustment to the link arm we now have fully closed plates and good responsiveness, we also sorted my air/fuel mix so I only idle hunt on cold (normal) and my regular idle is around 850 once the car gets past its cold hunt. CPR pressure is still slightly low so a decent cold start takes a little bit to do.
overheated twice trying to reach Rich Hanlon's for the morgan trip due to severe air locks which was temporarily fixed to limp home then Claire kindly donated Flopsy's old self-bleed kit which has permanently fixed the issue

, temp now sits at the halfway mark with fans coming on great. it seems early but the new screw-type otterstat must be set for Celsius over Fahrenheit making it appear to come on early via the dash needle but I'm not complaining.
assembled the speedhut GPS speedbox (not a cheap product

) just need to hook it to ignition 12v over constant for it to reduce power drain.
My factory ignition coil died as I think the windings on terminals 1 and 15 had broken off as I had infinity resistance and no spark, replaced it and the car started up.
drove to Claire and Phill's (40-minute run from my house) and back without any issues besides struggling to start on their drive which required a whiff of easy start..... but hasn't had a problem since

the came the big challenge, getting to the NEC which is a 70-mile run down the m1 and it was a breeze minus my temperamental window switch. I even found hot air coming from the heater box finally, not the best level of heat but definitely hot. Temperature stayed consistent from the prior few test runs.
The drive home was interesting though. might need to invest in some LED headlights as i still don't have a great light spread even with the nightbreaker bulbs so the lack of road markings around the NEC made it tricky but otherwise no issues at all.
so I think I have 5222 in a good position for regular use now

she's proved herself minus little fiddly bits to sort over winter