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Classics At The Castle, Witton Castle 11th July 2021
HI there,
Durham Automobile Club will be running our Classics at the Castle event at Witton Castle on the 11th July 2021.  We have been in touch with you in previous years and would like to invite you to this years event.  Because of Covid restrictions we are having to do all entries electronically and at the bottom of this email is a link to the online entry form.  As in previous years we will be supporting the Great North Air Ambulance Service.  As a Club or Marque if you would like to consider a dedicated display area, please contact me by email in the first instance.
Many thanks
Best regards
Marty Hall
Due to the continued uncertainty around the status of the Coronavirus Restrictions issued by the Goverment for the show date of the 11th July 2021, Durham Automobile Club and Witton Castle reserve the right to postpone or cancel this event at short notice.  All efforts will be made to contact entrants and attendees but DAC and Witton Castle will not be held liable for any costs incurred by entrants or exhibitors should the event be cancelled or postponed for any reason.
It is a requirement of entry that all instructions issued by Marshall's or Officials, especially with regard to Coronavirus restrictions are acted on and adhered to.
Additionally, because of Coronavirus restrictions we are only able to accept payment by BACS or PayPal.  The cost of entry per vehicle is £6, Auto Jumble and Trade Stands are £12.  An option has been made available within the entry form to indicate that you would like to donate your entry fee to the Great North Air Ambulance should the event be cancelled.  This is entirely optional. Please use one entry form per vehicle if entering two or more vehicles/stands
Payment details are:
BACS    You are paying Durham Automobile Club     Sort Code 09-06-66  (Santander)   Account Number 42772324  Reference Your Name and Registration Number of the Vehicle
PayPal to  Please remember to log into PayPal first and use the address to make payment
Please include your name and registration number of your vehicle when payment is made.
Further information will be issued regarding opening and closing times on the day, traffic system and parking closer to the event.
Should you have any issues or problems with your entry, please contact the membership Secretary Marty Hall by email or by phone on 07927 774554.  This number will only be operational between 09:00 and 17:00 Monday to Friday
Please click on the link below which will take you to the online entry form
Thank you once again for your interest in joining us for Classics at the Castle 2021!
Marty Hall
Entries Secretary
Membership Secretary DOC UK
2021's DeLorean event:
VIN#15768 Ex VIN#4584
The venue reviews and feedback don't look too good..........
Chris Parnham

Ex RHD Auto's etc.etc

Main Car.. Kia E Niro 4+
Skoda Yetil 4X4.
1970 Jago Jeep.

DOC Club Historian 
Seem to be, like most car show 'adverts' I have many emailed to me (not so many this last year) so just post them for reference for people.
Membership Secretary DOC UK
2021's DeLorean event:
VIN#15768 Ex VIN#4584
(29 Apr 2021, 20:03)Chris Williams Wrote: Seem to be, like most car show 'adverts' I have many emailed to me (not so many this last year) so just post them for reference for people.

I have been to a few car shows here always a decent day

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