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Most desirable?
I know the DeLorean was only made for a short period of time, and that there were only a few changes in that time. However which are most desirable, earlier or later cars? Or no difference?

What about manual or auto? Colour of leather? Or, again, no real difference and it is just personal preference?

What about the BTTF car(s)?

Some of it is preference. I like manual, grey interior cars - some don't.

Early three digit VINs are getting a lot of attention now; as are the RHD cars; both are fetching far more than the common ones (like mine!).
Member 101
VIN# 4566
Former Vins# 5641 (Maddie) and 5284 (Hana)

As Dan says, Grey interior manuals seem to be the preferred spec.

I think this 'early car' thing is a bit over done. There is a lot to be said for a later car that was built by folk that knew what they were doing!

RHD.s do have a premium, so you would have thought then when I sold vin 510 the first RHD with less than 10 k miles on the clock……that folk would have been clamouring for it? It took a while to sell for a fairly modest price.

A DeLorean is a Delorean is a DeLorean at the end of the day.

i'd avoid one with a rotten chassis, but apart from that, most things can be fixed without too much trouble.
Chris Parnham

Ex RHD Auto's etc.etc

Main Car.. Kia E Niro 4+
Skoda Yetil 4X4.
1970 Jago Jeep.

DOC Club Historian 
The general consensus seems to be that Grey Manual is the spec of choice - ours happens to be that spec because it's the one we found for sale! Personally I'm not fussed on the spec, I'd have taken a black interior, or an auto, if that's what we had found. I've never driven an auto, but with the manual you spend most of the journey in 3rd gear - so I could see how an auto would suit the engine! I think now, like most older cars and classics, you should buy on condition rather than spec - if the chassis, stainless, mechanicals & electrics are good, then it doesn't really matter what colour the seats are!
Med Venlig Hilsen

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