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Classic Car Weekly
The current edition of CCW has two DeLorean related items. The upcoming Channel 4 series and my Quentin Willson letter.
Chris Parnham

Ex RHD Auto's etc.etc

Main Car.. Kia E Niro 4+
Skoda Yetil 4X4.
1970 Jago Jeep.

DOC Club Historian 
thanks for sharing Wink
Odd, they keep missing out that they are doing a series 1 Land Rover as well. Infact filming for that is on Sunday as well as the DeLoreans. Not a fan of good old Quentin then Chris! :wink:
Either way should be a good year for the classic car movement in the UK
Membership Secretary DOC UK
2021's DeLorean event:
VIN#15768 Ex VIN#4584
It is strange Quentin had a go at the DeLorean. He got me into classic cars on old Top Gear. I remember him doing a spot on the D on that show and he did not bash it at all. This would have been very early 1990's.

I must admit to feeling betrayed by the guy. Haven't watched any of his stuff since.

Hope we still have a "Contract" out on him Chris :wink:

And no your reply was not harsh
DOC 650
Jaguar X-Type
Range Rover Sport SDV6 "Rufus" (Mrs H's motor)
DeLorean DMC 12 Vin#2862

My other hobby...
When I complained to my son Richard ( Who's a Journalist….a legal Journalist..but no matter) about Quentin's Daily Mirror piece and the subsequent programme, he said "Dad, its a story…get it?…. the clues in the name".

Thats as maybe, but a can't look at the man without feeling the knife, still sticking out of my back!

I have tried to forgive him, but i'm afraid this has bought it all flooding back………..
Chris Parnham

Ex RHD Auto's etc.etc

Main Car.. Kia E Niro 4+
Skoda Yetil 4X4.
1970 Jago Jeep.

DOC Club Historian 
Just a reminder...

"The Ultimate Classic Car Book" by Quentin Wilson, 1995
Dorling Kindersley Publishing.

The introduction includes sections on "Why Classic?", "The Classic Car
Phenomenon" and "How To Buy a Classic Car". Of course, the DMC-12 is one
of the featured cars. In fact, it first shows up as a photo on page 16
within a paragraph titled "Buyer Beware". Although it is not mentioned
in the text of this particular section, I doubt this is just by chance.

Pages 88-89 gives us the DMC-12. Eight excellent colour photos, including
one of a VIN plate (VIN#4579). "...the DMC was intended as a glimpse of
the future... today it is known as one of the car industry's greatest
failures, on a par with Ford's Edsel". The short introductory closes
with "After the initial novelty died down, word spread that DeLoreans
were dogs and sales completely evaporated".

There are several notes of interest pointed to the various photos. Two
of them addressed the gullwing doors; they leaked and did not open or
close properly, and "Held by a puny single gas strut, it was an act of
the purest optimism to expect them to work properly". The stainless
steel body panels were noted as "impossible to clean". Even the basic
styling was taken to task with the rear louvers and "cubed rear lights"
as "1970's styling".

Enuff said?

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