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Chris P's New DeLorean Book....started in 1999!
As our new book project starts to really hot up, this will be the starting place for future posting.

To re-cap:-

It will be large format, 12" X 12" full glossy colour, with a full colour dust jacket. I already have the printers quotes, thanks to our own club member based in China.
The detailed historical writing, mainly by Barrie Wills, is almost completed. The huge archive of photo's and documents are now being collated into shortlists for inclusion. The writing bringing the story right up to date, will obviously not be completed until the last minute.

The real problem is deciding what to leave out! It could be 400 pages long.....but with its size and quality of paper, unfortunately it would be difficult to pick up!

Lets just say that when this book hits the shelves, (or coffee tables) of us "true DeLorean anoraks" and the public, it will once and forall dispel the stupid myths that have been repeated for years, about the DeLorean project being some sort of con-job! It was a PROPER JOB , one we can all be very proud of.

Much more later folks.

Chris Parnham, Barrie Wills, Andy Withers....Joint Authors .
Chris Parnham

Ex RHD Auto's etc.etc

Main Car.. Kia E Niro 4+
Skoda Yetil 4X4.
1970 Jago Jeep.

DOC Club Historian 
Why don't you make several volume to keep all historical pictures?
sounds fab Chrispy, cant wait to see it when it comes out Smile
Claire Wright  - Club Treasurer
Jul 1981 DeLorean - Flopsy #2292 
Aug 1989 Cavalier 1.6L - Guinney
Apr 2021 Mokka-e Launch Edition - Evie
Domi Wrote:Why don't you make several volume to keep all historical pictures?

It would be nice, but not very practical. If you knew how much time it is taking up...for all three of us, you wouldn't ask!

We MAY consider another book of just photos, but that's for the future. Lets get this one done first and see how it goes.

In any case, the pictures will come out some way or other, it may be through the club or another dormant website that I own. Again thats for the future.
Chris Parnham

Ex RHD Auto's etc.etc

Main Car.. Kia E Niro 4+
Skoda Yetil 4X4.
1970 Jago Jeep.

DOC Club Historian 
Fantastic stuff - cannot wait to see, read, hug this book!

Hey, if you'd waited 10 years you could've gotten on the Kickstarter train and made a fortune! Big Grin
Member 101
VIN# 4566
Former Vins# 5641 (Maddie) and 5284 (Hana)

Will do at least one bit on this in the magazine, I have many recent pictures and also of our car if you need 'em...(though I know you've got some from the early days of the club as you sent me this morning!!) you know I'm always happy to help out with eye catching/stylish graphics/layout........
Membership Secretary DOC UK
2021's DeLorean event:
VIN#15768 Ex VIN#4584
We've now got a face page thingy….sorry don't know how to do a link but lots of pictures on there……Claire… please….
Chris Parnham

Ex RHD Auto's etc.etc

Main Car.. Kia E Niro 4+
Skoda Yetil 4X4.
1970 Jago Jeep.

DOC Club Historian 
VIN# 04708, Grey interior, 5 speed, October 1981
DOC 649
ex DOC 562
Will the book be available before Christmas?
No sadly not for this Christmas….It will launch the middle of 2014. Still lots of things to finalise before then.
Chris Parnham

Ex RHD Auto's etc.etc

Main Car.. Kia E Niro 4+
Skoda Yetil 4X4.
1970 Jago Jeep.

DOC Club Historian 
All right, thanks Wink
I'm not sure how many of you have seen this…. i'd be interested in any comments.

We need to get the word about…particularly in the USA, where most of the owners are. Its still not too late for contributions, but after the NEC we will probably have to call a halt to any new material.

So to remind you, a nice photo (1 meg plus) of your car, preferably with you stood in shot. please send to;_
Chris Parnham

Ex RHD Auto's etc.etc

Main Car.. Kia E Niro 4+
Skoda Yetil 4X4.
1970 Jago Jeep.

DOC Club Historian 
Do you mean anybody can send you a picture to be published in your book?
Yes Domi, we will have an "owners section' but to be honest not many folk have sent pictures in yet.
Chris Parnham

Ex RHD Auto's etc.etc

Main Car.. Kia E Niro 4+
Skoda Yetil 4X4.
1970 Jago Jeep.

DOC Club Historian 

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