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Reference Radio Show
Dodgy Motor Wrote:How did it go today Ben? I didnt get up till about 10, I heard that guy mentionn he was going for a ride in a D, and later I phoned the show of the next presenter to ask if he would play some blink 182 and dedicate it to you, but the guy sounded like a right idiot and didnt seem to want to link his show to paul's ah well, what a twit, hope you had a good day

Yes Allen, it didn't go bad, apart from a slight hiccup with the car, but that was mainly my fault. I went over to Monmouth quite early, and parked up in an industrial estate to wait for Paul to call me. It was a cold old morning mind, but the car started fine in the garage first thing. Anyway, after an hour of watching the world go by, and listening to the radio, I decided to move location. I turned the key, and it turned over quite fast. I think it flooded, cos it fired, stopped, then i heared the "prime pump" whirring behind me, if that's what it's called. Left it a few seconds, as this is the usual route, but when i turned the key again it started off fast, then slowed quite quickly, and I knew it wasn't going to go. Thats the first time! Anyway, there was an ATS just across the estate, and at first, they didn't want to help out at all, until I told them it was a DeLorean. The whole workforce dropped their tools, and came to my aid in the way of a push. Bet if I was some stunning blonde, i'd have got the same effect.... typical grease monkeys!

Anyway, needless to say it started right up with a second gear bump start, then behaved perfectly all day. The battery is 4 years old, and it was a cold morning, but I doubt my hours worth of radio listening helped.

I picked Paul up shortly afterwards, and he said that he wasn't expecting the car to be in such a good condition, so that made me forget my battery blues, and we headed to Ross on Wye.

I didn't see Blknight on my travels, and judging by the looks on the faces of the people in the town, they had never seen a D in their town either! Have you been keeping your D behind closed doors have you mate?

We then went back to Monmouth, took some pictures, and he took me for a drink down the Somerset arms near Dingestow.

As we left, he said he'll be giving his experience a good mention live on air Monday morning, so i'll have to tune into that.

I don't think Paul could get over the amount of attention the car grabs either. When we was by the Monnow Bridge in Monmouth town, we had a job getting away from the curious passers by with their camera's and questions.

Had a good day, enjoyed it loads, and maybe we'll get some publicity which could mean more memberships, who knows?

Paul said he will be going to the car show in Monmouth in May, and i've got a handful of entry forms if anyone fancy's coming. It's a 2 day event, and by all accounts, it sounds like a good weekend out.

Cheers for reading, and if anyone know's where I can get a genuine battery, let me know!


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No Ben I didnt see this,,obviously :oops: did you hear what he said on the radio? any chance you recorded it? Imissed it..sorry, sounds like you had a good day, apart from the not starting scare,bet you were worried to turn it off Smile
DOC # 595
Was fine for the rest of the day, but I took no chances. My new battery arrived today! Smile
yummy nice new battery Wink Smile Do you have a battery disconnect switch at all Ben ?
Let us know how well it fits and maybe post a pic? If its good I will probably order one up for my car before it gets much weaker.

I was reading about upgrading the door lock module so it uses less power, could that not be helping my battery?
VIN: 6511
I don't leave the car for more than 3-4 weeks without a run Mike so it's usually ok. Besides, if I did have an isolator, it's a pretty irritating task powering back up, and having to re-program the radio functions. It's not just a few radio stations, the correct time, and date etc. After a power interuption, the unit goes into factory default mode, so things like illumination colour, screen angle, EQ settings, front. rear, and subwoofer crossover frequncy cut off settings all need to be re-ajusted. You would have thought there would be a lithium battery in the head unit wouldn't you? But that's what the battery back up wire is for, therefore most radio manufacurers don't bother.

I used to have a "DisCarNect" isolator on my BMW which consisted of a battery post with a knob in the middle, and when you unscrewed the knob, the power was killed.

But trying to get the car into my garage which is an inch each side job, and then try to undo the battery cover to gain access to the knob, seems more hassle than what it's worth, added to the radio saga!

Oh, and ask ChrisS about the door lock module, i'm sure my car has something that no-one else's does in this department :wink: ... ight=#5616
serouisly i drive in most weekends if its dry but to tell the truth i dont get that much attention, either i dont notice people looking or my eyesight isnt too good,the most i get when i pull up at a petral staition is one or two people taking photos but thats it,next time your coming this way give me a text or call,youv got my number from my advert and il come out and meet you.
Ok..... What you doing sunday? I've got to give my new battery a test run!

nothing sunday mate what time you planning on coming down
give me a bell as i wont be on the net for the rest of the day my number is on my ebay listing

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