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Anyone got one? Im thinking about getting one but looking over the apps you get for it theres nothing thats really making me want to get one that badly, lol. So whats your opinions on it?
DOC 527
Vin #10264
There's a new one due out soon with proper 3G capabilities. The current one is neutered and pretty unreliable. I work in an Apple store and I handle them every day, and I really can't see them being worth the near-£900 you're going to spend on the phone and the 18 month contract. If you want some touch screen fun, the iPod Touch is the same thing without the phone, and you can use wi-fi on it at home, but otherwise I'd say wait till they improve the iPhone.
Very limited at the moment Mike, no Flash player, so you can't watch videos except for youtube, you have to pay extra i presume for an EDGE connection, otherwise you will have to sponge off someones router to get a connection to the internet, no bluetooth file transfer, battery is not removable, so when it's knackered, the phone has to be sent to apple, the 8GB memory can't be used like a flash drive for you music and photos etc, it only works through itunes. It's basically an ipod which has a phone and internet access as an extra, not the other way round, ie phone with internet access and ipod. What i mean is i think the phone part is an afterthought, well thats how it seems. Maybe it would be easier if you've had experience with other apple hardware.

Most features you find on your everyday mobile phone are not present on the iphone "out of the box"

I have not played with the installer program because I don't want it locking up on me, as mine's been unlocked.......

Some features are really cool though, but I wouldn't recommend you getting one on contract, or a USA inport with the early firmware.

Also avoid one unlocked to all networks, as i've been told half the features dont work afterwards..... Only unlock to o2 only, then you'll be ok....

I'm happy with mine though, draw your own conclusions... Smile

Was you considering a contract?

Correct me if i'm wrong on anything Matt, you may know more than me.... :wink:
yea i was considering, all internet is free on contract, including edge etc...

If i were to get one id haveto jailbreak it too, just for the added extra goodiesSmile
DOC 527
Vin #10264
It all depends how often you need the net when you are out and about, and the keyboard can be tricky sometimes. Is it worth £900 though?

Mine's Pay as you go with one of them super sims that gives you loads of freebies for a tenner a month including 300 texts. And the phone itself was brand new delivered for £326 including the payg sim which is a mere £56 more than from apple, but saving you £35 a month for the next 18 months... Either way, its up to you! Smile
the reason im tempted to get 1 and go the contract way is more for the internet, lol. Erm i guess theres abit of thinking to be done, lol. Just not sure its worth all that money
DOC 527
Vin #10264
Well as i pointed out, the internet seems an afterthought, and i easily get fed up of having to stretch the screen to see web pages. When you click on to the next page, it dont stay on the same resolution, so you have to stretch it again. And it would be easier too if you could use a touch screen pen to use it, but its fingertouch only, not pressure, so that rules that out. If you do decide to get one, and you are quite good with gadgets and figuring them out, then maybe you can give me some tips. Otherwise, go to the apple website and check out the user manual which is downloadable in PDF format (as you dont get a manual as such with the phone, just a quick start guide) and see if it's got the features ou are looking for.......

yea will doSmile Its more a case of will i use it often enough to be worth that sort of price tag, at the mo im on pay asyou go and i dont make that many calls or texts.

I was kinda hoping there was more useful apps being made, but after looking over the site most of them are kinda pointless, lol.
DOC 527
Vin #10264
Well I kinda bought it without thinking about that too much, I just wanted a nice looking phone, that works with the Nokia car kit. I've got a Sony Ericsson W850i too which i'm on contract with for another year, so that says it all really don't it? Just a bit of flash!

Thats me all over though, I had a Nokia 8800 when they first came out, and they had a £300+ price tag on contract, £600 without. And that was the biggest pile of poo ever, except for the stainless cover!
lol, I really wanted the Nokia N95 8gb, but thats only on 02, I didnt
want the Sony Ericsson cos I didnt like the one Phill had, so have plumped
for the LG Viewty, which I got free from T-Mobile plus had my contract
reduced to £25 a month (upgrade).

The Viewty is similar looking to the iPhone, and is really neat. I'm still
getting used to it after 12 years of Nokia's, but all in all I'm really happy
with it.
Claire Wright  - Club Treasurer
Jul 1981 DeLorean - Flopsy #2292 
Aug 1989 Cavalier 1.6L - Guinney
Apr 2021 Mokka-e Launch Edition - Evie
MikeH Wrote:yea i was considering, all internet is free on contract, including edge etc...

Not sure if you realise this but the only internet the iPhone handles is wi-fi - therefore it's pretty much always free. Wouldn't matter if you were contract or not as the iPhone itself transmits/reiceves data rather than your phone supplier. The new one will have proper internet through your supplier, which is why it's best to wait.

I mean, they're nice enough - the way the touchscreen and gryo stuff works is bloody ace - but the iPod Touch is so much better for the money, and you get all the same features bar the phone (which isn't very good) or the camera (also, not very good). It weighs nothing at all, too, so carrying it and a phone around is hardly a chore. Of course, as an MP3 player, the storage isn't all that... The technology is in it's infancy, really. Rumour is that there will be a new Mac laptop out in a month or two with a 64GB flash-based hard drive, that follows that 64 and 32GB flash drives will start appearing in the iPhone and iPod touch pretty soon at the same price point; I'd recommend holding out till at least april.

Put it this way - not the best purchase for someone saving for a D Wink
heh thanks for the tips, i think i will hold out for awhile longer then
DOC 527
Vin #10264
I remember when people used to ring each other on these phone thingies ....

How things have changed Wink Smile
Matt Clark Wrote:
MikeH Wrote:yea i was considering, all internet is free on contract, including edge etc...

Not sure if you realise this but the only internet the iPhone handles is wi-fi - therefore it's pretty much always free. Wouldn't matter if you were contract or not as the iPhone itself transmits/reiceves data rather than your phone supplier. The new one will have proper internet through your supplier, which is why it's best to wait.

I have had a an iPhone since it came out in America (happened to be in Vegas 3 days after it launched) and now I have a proper o2 contract one.

Edge is just a faster version of GPRS, its totaly free and even an unlocked iPhone can get it if you know the settings. With a standard £35 month contract you get UNLIMITED FREE internet, yes thats right UNLIMITED FREE. Edge is slightly slower than a Laptop on Broadband but its still loads complicated sites like for example the site in little under 10-15 seconds. You also get GPRS for places that dont have Edge, but most o2 cell towers have an Edge transmitter, so if you can get an o2 signal you can get Edge.

I love the iPhone its without doubt the best moble phone I have ever used and I have used alot! The visual voicemail feature is one of the greatest inventions and to tell you the truth I hardly use it as an iPod so if this feature was taken out of the next model it wouldnt even bother me.

I use mine all the time and find it easier to use than any other handheld PDA I have either owned or is available now, I had a Blackberry for about 3 months and it bugged the hell out of me, if you only want the iPhone bacause you want to look cool then dont buy it, you will be amazed by the features it has but really pi88sed off by the features it has left out. I use mine for work and it has all I need, I send about 10 texts a day and for this it works perfectly, if you send nothing but texts all day then you might not like how it works, no "send same text to multiple people" feature is the worst one....

But and its a big "BUT" anyone who tells you that the iPhone is not worth the money either has not got the money to afford one or has an unlocked one that offers 1/2 the features, I had the Nokia 8800 3 weeks before it came out and paid £500 sim free for it, I was already on a monthly tarrif of £50 so my average bill for the year was £1100 without calls, my iPhone tarrif is £55 and £269 for the phone, you do the math. The new firmwear 1.2.2 is out in about 2 weeks and it will re-lock any unlocked iPhones (Only if your stupid enough to update that is) The new update will add better Bluetooth, web, email, the ability to change the layout of the icons, loads of bug fixes.

I will probably buy the 3G one "IF" and "WHEN" it comes out, there is nothing written in stone about its realese but I would say it will be closer to the end of this year. There will be big memory increases to as flash drives are now capable of storing much bigger file sizes in a tiny drive.

I expect good things, if you want one go and buy one. If you have any doubts about it either go into an Apple store and play with one or simply try and wait till the end of the year.
Alistair McCann
Northern Ireland
1981 Delorean #Vin Pilot 25
1989 Renault Alpine GTA Atmo.
Oh yes, forgot to add that you also get free WI-FI in Starbucks and o2 stores through the Cloud network. Both of these a free with your contract.

Seeing as there is an o2 store and a Starbucks on every street corner in the UK you will get the Internet just about anywhere.
Alistair McCann
Northern Ireland
1981 Delorean #Vin Pilot 25
1989 Renault Alpine GTA Atmo.

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