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DeLoreans wanted for 'For the Love of Cars' TV Show CH4
I enjoyed the episode too although had to watch the bit I was in through my fingers and was wincing at myself during the breakdowns (although the editors were kind and made both breakdowns look like the same one). It also brought back some very happy memories of doing the formation shots around that track in Camberley. Any chance we can hire the track and do it again?

Overall I thought it was a fair assessment of a wonderful but divisive car. Like Chris W, I wish it had been longer but there's only so much you can put in a 47 minute programme. And let's face it you could have a 47 hour programme on Delorean and still feel that they missed stuff out.
Richard M.
Edenbridge, Kent
VIN 981
Quote:Any chance we can hire the track and do it again?
I doubt it, however we have something very special lined up for next years club event that *May* include something similar.
I'm sure you were dreading watching your car breakdown, however I don't think it detracted from the programme at all, in fact I think you dealt with it brilliantly. I'm kinda disappointed none of the interviews I did made it on to screen (others wont be :wink: ) but they did so much filming and some of it made such a small appearance, for example the day Dan Johnson and I did amounted to about 15 seconds of airtime!
Membership Secretary DOC UK
2021's DeLorean event:
VIN#15768 Ex VIN#4584
Chris Williams Wrote:I'm kinda disappointed none of the interviews I did made it on to screen (others wont be :wink: ) but they did so much filming and some of it made such a small appearance, for example the day Dan Johnson and I did amounted to about 15 seconds of airtime!

Maybe there will be extra material in the inevitable blu-ray box set.
So pleased about everyones comments on the lower suspension arms. Something less to worry about Smile. Was looking forward to watching Chris Williams squirm on TV but alas wasn't to be . Bad luck Chris. Everyone in it did a grand job. You should be proud. Wish I was there Sad.
The programme......loved it. At the end I thought....I want one. Which I would like to think most of the audience thought. That's got to be good for all of us

Three cheers for the Delorean !!!
I've just caught up on this and I'd say it was a very well presented program. Certainly better than most.

I would say that 99% of people watching will never ever remember the remarks about door handles or clutches. I know we do; I know we care. However, when watching shows on other restorations (say a 911 or Land Rover) I only really remember the before/after information (maybe not on 911s - I've had plenty of experience!).

So, I'd say, WELL DONE!

As I'm moving house now, I'll be on the look out for a car this year. Not in the UK I suspect - you lot want too much money Wink Tongue Hah!
Member 101
VIN# 4566
Former Vins# 5641 (Maddie) and 5284 (Hana)

Since the episode aired I've had a load of good natured mocking from my colleagues but also very envious comments too. However the thoughts on the show and the car have been universally positive.

Incidentally BTTF Brian, when I was driving home from the shoot with Phillip Glenister in London, I stopped at some traffic lights and a pretty girl on a motorbike stopped next to me and said her grandfather in Bognor Regis had a BTTF replica Delorean. It's a small World eh?
Richard M.
Edenbridge, Kent
VIN 981
Ditto, it was overwhelmingly positive and now people do have a more positive slant on the whole affair, the achievemtns of the company and the car. I've had plenty of positive comments from colleagues too. Really well done to all those who got involved, very good effort and well done to Chris W for making the necessary happen - nice to have some positive publicity generated!
Richard Hanlon
DOC 393

1981 DMC-12 VIN 06126
Enjoyed the show, loved the bit where the DeLoreans start joining the convoy and the formation laps. Well done to the club and everyone who helped make this happen... BTW Who owns the one that was on display with kids jumping into it, more than likely pressing buttons, pulling indicator stalks and the like... been there, I felt your pain lol

Hoping a directors cut version would be made available for purchase. Would Love Productions consider this?
DOC 116
VIN 6237
Very impressed with the program. Well put together and shows the upside / downside with Delorean ownership. It's amazing to see the love and hate relationship with the brand. And more so from people who only have read about the history to hate the car. :roll:

I just don't get it. People should experience it before making judgement. :roll: Don't believe everything you read, especially on the internet (except my posts). Mr Green

Well done again everyone, will be rewatching it and tapping my fingers to the soundtracks! Big Grin
bttf brian Wrote:Was looking forward to watching Chris Williams squirm on TV but alas wasn't to be . Bad luck Chris. Everyone in it did a grand job
Sometimes this is the way of TV & Films. I spent 6 months on Nanny McPhee and the car only had 10 minutes in the film, and only 10 seconds with me driving. There is more on the DVD in deleted scene's than in the movie! They spent £30K on a rig to silently spray mud and three days filming with the car wheel spinning to throw it, yet it was never used.

I have a sneaky suspicion that the last episode of "For the Love of Cars" may show Chris W. After all 1 hour to show 6 cars being auctioned would be very slow? If I was editing then it would be good to show Chris's appraisal of the car leading up to the auction.

Whatever happens I'll be watching tomorrow and we all know how much work Chris put into making the episode so good, and that's what really matters.

Three cheers for Chris W....
VIN 4532


Yes. that was one of my daughters. Claire ( grandfather ....ouch ). She has always been in to bikes as are my other daughters. Dont know where thats come from as I've not encouraged them ( for obvious reasons ). She mentioned that episode and I wondered who that was. Welcome to the family Smile
Darren is absolutely right. When it comes to tv or film most of the footage ends up on the cutting room floor. Did a brilliant shoot with a VW camper chasing the Delorean and havn't seen it since !
So, my wish may still come true. Chris Williams may yet have a come back! Smile Whatever happens I, and I guess most of you, have enjoyed the whole series. Especially our car. Well done again everyone.
Quote:Three cheers for Chris W....
Thanks for the kind words chaps, however without the goodwill of all the club members and cars I dont think the final edit would have looked as good as it did. Whilst perhaps a 'tad' dissapointed non of the three interviews I did made it to TV (as did all club stuff from other car clubs as well) I think it was best that way :lol:
Membership Secretary DOC UK
2021's DeLorean event:
VIN#15768 Ex VIN#4584

just caught up with the DMC and auction episodes as we were away on holiday, and
we have to say it was an excellent programme - indeed an excellent series - although
I did grimace at the car being towed backwards with the louvres not strapped down....

Luckily the Club magazine with the full write up arrived before we went away, so we did
get a preview as a taster of what the programme would be like Smile

Oh and also, really nice that the programme said thanks to the DeLorean Owners Club UK
in the end credits - as well as DarrenC sporting his DOC cap Big Grin
Claire Wright  - Club Treasurer
Jul 1981 DeLorean - Flopsy #2292 
Aug 1989 Cavalier 1.6L - Guinney
Apr 2021 Mokka-e Launch Edition - Evie
Hi all,
Just want to say that I was asked to take part in this series and to get in touch with the Researcher. I had second thoughts, but after a good long chat I decided to do it.
I am very proud to have taken part in what was a great series.
Thanks to Philip, Ant and everyone involved in making the Delorean episodes so special.
Nice to see old and new faces in the episode.
Ant was not the only one to have something in his eyes when the hammer went down on the Delorean at the auction.
Yes, a very proud Former Delorean Employee.
Neal Barclay
Former Delorean Employee
DOC 324/Clock no.1804

[Image: DSC_0112-1.jpg]
Live the Dream today, Because I did it yesterday.
Nicely said Neal.
Chris Parnham

Ex RHD Auto's etc.etc

Main Car.. Kia E Niro 4+
Skoda Yetil 4X4.
Toyota Vitz 4X4 1999 (the smallest 4X4 by far!.
1970 Jago Jeep.

DOC Club Historian 

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