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Full Version: UK project Car for sale.£50k
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Not mine, dont know the seller, spotted on Facebook marketplace
I literally just watched “hub nut” on YouTube last night do his review of the DeLorean, and this was the car he used for his video. So funny I see it the very next day for sale! According to the video, it was a lockdown project which has made some way since first collected.

Link (in case interested):
Certainly has had plenty done, Miles knows what he's doing also. seems still a lot do do for 50k mind?
Wow, £52k! And its pending sale at that price!
Still needs a lot of work, the stainless will need the skills of Mr Nicholson,
an goodness knows what that dash mat and seat covers are hiding.
I presume those aren't original sheepskin seat covers as in the 'rarely seen original options', are they?
I've never seen a set of those.  Anyone got any pics of those original optional seat covers (or indeed actual ones?!)?

ps anyone know of this 'DeLorean restoration specialist near Bristol' that is mentioned?  I head Bristol way every now and then..
(26 Nov 2023, 23:43)lordivanhoe Wrote: [ -> ]I presume those aren't original sheepskin seat covers as in the 'rarely seen original options', are they?
I've never seen a set of those.  Anyone got any pics of those original optional seat covers (or indeed actual ones?!)?

ps anyone know of this 'DeLorean restoration specialist near Bristol' that is mentioned?  I head Bristol way every now and then..

I had a pair of those when I got the car, never used them and never would, so I sold them to fund the retoration job.  Can't rememb who bought them but it was in the UK.

I'm assuming he means Miles Reynolds Cole?