20 Feb 2018, 21:58
DeLorean 5 Speed UN1 369 Transmission For Sale from VIN 5255
As per the photos it is in as removed condition; but underneath the dirt and grime is a very clean original transmission. It's only for sale as no longer required due to the Legacy3 conversion.
Gearbox is currently in Birmingham for collection by the first serious buyer or courier on their behalf. Let me know here or email me if interested, I can ship anywhere in the world!
img src="https://photos.google.com/share/AF1QipNvaLeGbE8sYwsqXvjlpqAREjQ9N5xBtyNeMChn3TP_yR0Ab7QebpCKGrJM23ZV5w/photo/AF1QipNoTfnP7q4nM1gooT-_V6QNbP9FVZ94vMS6Hf7t?key=bDRib0lKdld0VFJCakMzak82SDZBSEY0bFJCR1lR-no".jpg
Sold before I finished sorting out the photos.....
As per the photos it is in as removed condition; but underneath the dirt and grime is a very clean original transmission. It's only for sale as no longer required due to the Legacy3 conversion.
Gearbox is currently in Birmingham for collection by the first serious buyer or courier on their behalf. Let me know here or email me if interested, I can ship anywhere in the world!
img src="https://photos.google.com/share/AF1QipNvaLeGbE8sYwsqXvjlpqAREjQ9N5xBtyNeMChn3TP_yR0Ab7QebpCKGrJM23ZV5w/photo/AF1QipNoTfnP7q4nM1gooT-_V6QNbP9FVZ94vMS6Hf7t?key=bDRib0lKdld0VFJCakMzak82SDZBSEY0bFJCR1lR-no".jpg
Sold before I finished sorting out the photos.....