MONTHLY MEETINGS, being held on the FIRST TUESDAY of each month,starting TUESDAY 3rd MARCH at THE STEADING BAR & RESTAURANT,120 BIGGAR ROAD,EDINBURGH EH10 7DU at 7.30p.m. (large free car park). Members/past members/delorean fans etc. are most welcome to attend. There is a varied summer season of car shows/runs planned,details will be given out,and bookings can be made at the meet. I really do NEED support from our members, so that we can INCREASE the pleasure we can get from our great cars. If, by any chance,you would be unable to attend this inaugural meting (WHERE I AM MAKING A BIG EFFORT,TO GET A LARGE TURN OUT and KICK START THE CLUB IN SCOTLAND! Please TRY to come along, if you wish to contact me beforehand, my number is 07762 550 398,
Thank you,
Robert Gallo,
Central Scotland Area Representative,for the great Delorean Owners Club.
Robert has a knack of picking dates that do not work for me; that's the deadline on my current project so likely won't be able to make it. Not to mention the DeLorean is not back on the road again until April.
Yes, it is early in the year for a car meet however I think Robert wants to try and do monthly meets so perhaps another will work better for you.
Yeah, I'm hoping May will work despite proximity to my Birthday

Though Tuesday is generally just a bad day for getting away from work for me, so I hope it works better for the rest of the Scotland crew
I'm going to send him an email separately though and get the details for shows/drives he's thinking of planning and see what I can make work.
Just to 'bump' this topic, Robert would be grateful for any support with these monthly meetings, I appreciate the March one may not be suitable for bringing your DeLorean out too, but if you can pop along that would be great. The start of monthly meetings (1st Tuesday every month) starting this coming Tuesday 3rd March, Roberts contact number is 07762 550 398 . Intention is to get our cars out to a variety of classic car shows, in Scotland, plus other outings, for which Robert is open to suggestions.
Any support you can give would be really helpful, Robert's trying really hard to promote the club and the car so it would be really great to give him your support.
I'll be there Robert but my car is still hibernating.
I'll not be there.
I feel bad for not supporting the Scottish element of the club. Maybe once I've had the automatic driving car mod done, LEX can make it there on her own without me...?
Seriously though, I *may* be able to make the June meet and the September meet. Possibly with LEX on both occasions.
Anybody been along to the monthly meets yet? Unfortunately I work away during the week, so weeknight meets are a no go for me.
I spoke with Robert after the April meet as I was unable to attend then either. I believe he is no longer organizing monthly meetings due to a lack of attendance, though Chris Williams may be able to advise in more detail?
I think Robert is still trying to organise events but due to lack of interest (we all lead busy lives/work) then I think he's just waiting to hear if people intend on turning up before attending himself. Robert has shown great enthusiasm (for which I thank him) and hopefully there will be some great DeLorean events this year.
Chris, is Robert still Secretary? When I spoke with him at Bridge of Allen he said he wasn't interested.
Do you have an email address for Robert? Wouldn't mind seeing what actual plans he has show wise so we can't be accused of stepping on toes.