I tried everything, tablets, drink, golf, fishing, but no, my life is incomplete so I took the plunge. Gosh I should have tried this a few years ago when the prices were lower. £19k later I drove it back from Southampton, the one that was on ebay 3 weeks ago, once painted black now with OKish steel.
Apparently I was speeding on the way back, "sorry officer, speedo don't work!" Great drive though. I even managed to get the radio to work by waggling the gear selector lever!
I live near Mansfield and have a kit car business to keep me busy but I do like my toys. Gear box (auto) is pouring oil out from somewhere! I got locked in, locks now modified! Seats are terrible but they are being done next week. Speedo hub drive centre now has a square hole not a round one!
Sorry, far too many exclamation marks.
Not drawn by the films but by the style. That said I must get some of those Nike trainers now. A timeless time machine. Hope to meet you all soon. Regards Stuart
Hi Stuart
That's great news

another owner up in that part of the world, it's a real hot-spot for DeLoreans around there. Hopefully you got away with out getting a speeding ticket as well! Rich H lives up near you so I'm sure will be able to give you some pointers as to the faults you have.
Your not by chance anything to do with the long gone Robin Hood sportscars?? I bought a 2B kit from them many years ago (12-14 I guess) they were based in Mansfield I remember coming to collect it!
Yes and Mr. Robin Hood was the custodian of about 500 sets of original DeLorean seat covers for quite a while!
Good luck with car Stuart…..Chris in Allestree Derby.
Did he take them from the rich and give them to the poor? :lol:
Hi, we are in Mansfield, never seen Robin though. My firm is
www.mevltd.co.uk fun cars but the Delorean can be driven all year round. Anyway my hair has receded due to driving open top cars for so many years, well that's my excuse!
Congratulations Stuart, look forward to seeing another one locally - we have quite a cluster round here now!!
Aha - MEV! So do I surmise that you got the DeLorean bug when you were just across from us at Carfest North then? :wink:
Well there I was at Carfest North in heavy rain, looking at the MEV owners getting wrapped up to make a wet ride home after a very wet day, you guys just pulled down the doors,( didn't hear a whoosh though) looked cool and drove off! Clearly I was in the wrong club (please don't tell my customers that I am a deserter) so I put that right the next time I saw one for sale. I even have the Delorean watch from ebay, great thing and less than £12 delivered.
http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/DELOREAN-DMC- ... 2596a6f155
Ah yes Stuart, I think Mr. Clarkson pointed out the shortcomings of these type of vehicles!
Mind you he's not keen on ours either….I couldn't get him to smile.

He's put on a lot of weight in the last decade.

Ah yes the man with his mouth open at speed. I tried it, I am not normally that ugly, honest. 45 seconds in, face distortion.
BTW I saw a Delorean on the back of a pick up going up Southwell Road in Mansfield yesterday. I was shocked. I went back quick to see if mine was still in the car park, it was.
ayup Stuart, we're not far from you, just of J27 of the Super Slab, got 2 cars here, a
black interior 5spd and a grey interior automatic.
Rich Hutchinson (who I think you know already) is 4 miles down the road from us.
I think there is another De in Mansfield owned by a chap called Jordan.
We need a Notts/Derby's mini meet before Xmas !!