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Full Version: Help Identifying corroded pipe
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Hey Folks,

So now I've got the DeLorean out of a general storage facility and into a garage of my own again, I've been spending some time examining her. Whilst under the car seeing if I could find out exactly where oil is weeping from around the transmission, I spotted a corroded pipe that I can't identify.

Picture is attached. My car is LHD, and this is from underneath on the passenger side. Looks like it's been happening for a while, whatever causing it to rust dripping on to the hard-line below. I've been looking through the diagrams but can't quite figure out this one. I want to figure out what's leaking on it, and what I may need to replace.

Uggh... so much rust on her Sad
Are you talking about the bar above the pipe that goes from rubber to metal? If so I think that's the anti-roll bar that sits on the join 'ridge' in the engine bay.
...that's what my eyes are being drawn to. Definitely looks like the stiffener to me too. If so, that's a big hunk of metal and that'll just be surface rust. It shouldn't be structural. It unbolts from the top back two corners of the engine bay. I'm not sure how easy or hard it is to get it out of there with the engine etc in situ either. Never done it. I also don't know if doing so will allow the body relax and make it near impossible to get it back in again or not without stretching the tub pontoons apart again a bit or not to align holes?? Maybe someone else will know....?
Circled it in a re-scaled picture for clarity Smile And yes, I think you're right that it's the rear cross-brace. It threw me since I was looking at the suspension diagrams rather than the frame directly.

That spot appears to be the only rusted bit, and I can reach it from under the car so I might be able to treat it without pulling from the car (though if there is a way to pull it, I would consider it depending on the difficulty).

Now I just need to figure out what's been dripping down on it like that. Hopefully not coolant, but I want to replace all the rubber hose sections and clamps anyway as teh white build-up makes me think she was leaking at some point...
If you are referring to the metal to rubber pipe connection, is this the fuel return line?

Parts 12, 13 and 14?


EDIT - Never mind, I see what you are referencing now, it's behind that pipe. I would agree, it looks like the cross brace.